Research Based Solutions Acceptable Use Policy


Section 1 - Introduction

Information Resources are strategic assets of Research Based Solutions and must be treated and managed as valuable resources. Research Based Solutions provides various information resources to its associates and clients for the purpose of assisting them in the performance of their job-related duties. This policy clearly documents expectations for appropriate use of Research Based Solutions' assets. This Acceptable Use Policy in conjunction with the corresponding standards is established to achieve the following:

1.      To establish appropriate and acceptable practices regarding the use of information resources.

2.      To educate individuals who may use information resources with respect to their responsibilities associated with system resource use.

Section 2 - Roles & Responsibilities

1.      Research Based Solutions' management will establish a periodic reporting requirement to measure the compliance and effectiveness of this policy.

2.      Research Based Solutions' management is responsible for implementing the requirements of this policy, or documenting non-compliance via the method described under exception handling.

3.      Research Based Solutions Managers', in cooperation with Security Management Division, are required to train associates on policy and document issues with Policy compliance.

Section 3 - Ownership

Electronic files stored on Information Resources owned, leased, administered, or otherwise under the custody and control of Research Based Solutions are the property of Research Based Solutions and associate use of these such files is neither personal nor private. Research Based Solutions management reserves the right to monitor and/or log all use of Research Based Solutions Information Resources with or without prior notice.

Section 4 - Acceptable Use Requirements

1.      Users must not attempt to access any data, documents, email correspondence, and programs contained on Research Based Solutions systems for which they do not have authorization.

2.      Users must not share their account(s), passwords, Personal Identification Numbers (PIN), Security Tokens (i.e. Smartcard), or similar information or devices used for identification and authorization purposes.

3.      Users must not make unauthorized copies of copyrighted or Research Based Solutions owned software.

4.      Users must not engage in activity that may degrade the performance of Information Resources; deprive an authorized user access to Research Based Solutions resources; obtain extra resources beyond those allocated; or circumvent Research Based Solutions system security measures.

5.      Users must not run security programs or utilities such as password cracking programs, packet sniffers, or port scanners that reveal or exploit the security of a Research Based Solutions system resource.

6.      Any security issues discovered will be reported to the COO or his designee for follow-up investigation. Additional Reporting requirements can be located within the Policy Enforcement, Auditing and Reporting section of this policy.


Research Based Solutions


100 Chesterfield Business Parkway, Suite 200

Chesterfield, Missouri 63005

Last Reviewed: July 15, 2015